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Command Line

Install the @accordproject/concerto-cli npm package to access the Concerto command line interface (CLI). After installation you can use the concerto command and its sub-commands as described below.

To install the Concerto CLI:

npm install -g @accordproject/concerto-cli


concerto <cmd> [args]

concerto validate validate JSON against model files
concerto compile generate code for a target platform
concerto get save local copies of external model dependencies
concerto parse parse a cto string to a JSON syntax tree
concerto print print a JSON syntax tree to a cto string
concerto version <release> modify the version of one or more model files
concerto compare compare two Concerto model files
concerto infer generate a concerto model from a source schema
concerto generate <mode> generate a sample JSON object for a concept

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]

concerto validate

concerto validate lets you check whether a JSON sample is a valid instance of the given model.

concerto validate

validate JSON against model files

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--input JSON to validate [string]
--model array of concerto model files [array]
--utcOffset set UTC offset [number]
--offline do not resolve external models [boolean] [default: false]
--functional new validation API [boolean] [default: false]


For example, using the validate command to check the sample request.json file from a Late Delivery and Penalty clause:

concerto validate --input request.json --model model/clause.cto


"$class": "org.accordproject.latedeliveryandpenalty.LateDeliveryAndPenaltyRequest",
"forceMajeure": false,
"agreedDelivery": "2017-12-17T04:24:00.000-04:00",
"goodsValue": 200,
"$timestamp": "2021-06-17T09:41:54.207-04:00"

concerto compile

concerto compile takes an array of local CTO files, downloads any external dependencies (imports) and then converts all the model to the target format.

concerto compile

generate code for a target platform

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--model array of concerto model files [array] [default: []]
--offline do not resolve external models
[boolean] [default: false]
--target target of the code generation
[string] [default: "JSONSchema"]
--output output directory path [string] [default: "./output/"]
--metamodel Include the Concerto Metamodel in the output
[boolean] [default: false]
--strict Require versioned namespaces and imports
[boolean] [default: false]
--useSystemTextJson Compile for System.Text.Json library (`csharp` target
only) [boolean] [default: false]
--useNewtonsoftJson Compile for Newtonsoft.Json library (`csharp` target
only) [boolean] [default: false]
--namespacePrefix A prefix to add to all namespaces (`csharp` target
only) [string]
--pascalCase Use PascalCase for generated identifier names
[boolean] [default: true]

At the moment, the available target formats are as follows:

  • Go Lang: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target Golang
  • JSONSchema: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target JSONSchema
  • XMLSchema: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target XMLSchema
  • Plant UML: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target PlantUML
  • Typescript: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target Typescript
  • Java: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target Java
  • GraphQL: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target GraphQL
  • CSharp: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target CSharp
  • OData: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target OData
  • Mermaid: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target Mermaid
  • Markdown: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target Markdown
  • Rust: concerto compile --model modelfile.cto --target Rust


For example, using the compile command to export the clause.cto file from a Late Delivery and Penalty clause into Go Lang format:

cd ./model
concerto compile --model clause.cto --target Golang


info: Compiled to Go in './output/'.

concerto get

concerto get allows you to resolve and download external models from a set of local CTO files.

concerto get

save local copies of external model dependencies

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--model array of concerto (cto) model files [array] [required]
--output output directory path [string] [default: "./"]


For example, using the get command to get the external models in the clause.cto file from a Late Delivery and Penalty clause:

concerto get --model clause.cto


info: Loaded external models in './'.

concerto parse

concerto parse allows you to parse a set of CTO models to their JSON representation (metamodel).

parse a cto string to a JSON syntax tree

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--model array of concerto model files [array] [required]
--resolve resolve names to fully qualified names
[boolean] [default: false]
--all import all models [boolean] [default: false]
--output path to the output file [string]
--excludeLineLocations Exclude file line location metadata from metamodel
instance [boolean] [default: false]

concerto print

concerto print allows you to convert a model in JSON metamodel format to a CTO string.

concerto print

print a JSON syntax tree to a cto string

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--input the metamodel to export [string] [required]
--output path to the output file [string]

concerto version

concerto version allows you to modify the version of one or more model files

concerto version <release>

modify the version of one or more model files

release the new version, or a release to use when incrementing the existing
[string] [required] [choices: "keep", "major", "minor", "patch", "premajor",
"preminor", "prepatch", "prerelease"]

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--model, --models array of concerto model files [array] [required]
--prerelease set the specified pre-release version [string]

concerto compare

concerto compare allows you to compare two model files

concerto compare

compare two Concerto model files

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--old the old Concerto model file [string] [required]
--new the new Concerto model file [string] [required]

concerto infer

concerto infer allows you to generate a Concerto model from a source schema such as JSON Schema or an OpenAPI definition.

concerto infer

generate a concerto model from a source schema

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--input path to the input file [string] [required]
--output path to the output file [string]
--format either `openapi` or `jsonSchema`
[string] [default: "jsonSchema"]
--namespace The namespace for the output model
[string] [required]
--typeName The name of the root type[string] [default: "Root"]
--capitalizeFirst Capitalize the first character of type names
[boolean] [default: false]


concerto infer --namespace com.example.restapi --format openapi --input example.swagger.json --output example.cto 

concerto generate

concerto generate allows you to generate a sample instance for a type in a model

concerto generate <mode>

generate a sample JSON object for a concept

mode Generation mode. `empty` will generate a minimal example, `sample` will
generate random values [string] [required] [choices: "sample", "empty"]

--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --verbose [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]
--model The file location of the source models
[array] [required]
--concept The fully qualified name of the Concept type to
generate [string] [required]
--includeOptionalFields Include optional fields will be included in the
output [boolean] [default: false]
--metamodel Include the Concerto Metamodel in the output
[boolean] [default: false]
--strict Require versioned namespaces and imports
[boolean] [default: false]